Street Construction Starting in September

Street Construction Starting in September

As part of the City of Glendale’s Street Resurfacing Plan, S. Moreland Ave, Edwin Ave, Parkland Ave and Elm Ave. have been selected for reconstruction.

The city has selected Jokerst Paving to perform the work, which will entail the construction of new concrete curbing along both sides of the street, and installation of a new asphalt street surface.

Jokerst plans to begin work on or about September 11, 2023, and expects the work to continue for 8 weeks.

While the work is underway, streets will be converted into one-ways to allow Jokerst crews to work on each side of the street individually. In addition, there will be no street parking allowed to ensure a clear path on the open side of the street.

There will be no change to your trash, recycling, or yard waste collection schedules.

Below is a map detailing the one-way direction of traffic during the project. Upon project completion, the one-way and parking restrictions will be lifted.

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Because there will be multiple changes to parking, open sides of the roadway, and driveway work, the city has created a Facebook page (available via this link) where you can receive project updates and information about work that could directly affect your daily activities. The City recommends you check the Facebook page regularly and consider allowing notifications.

If you have an irrigation system, electric pet fence or any other private utility within 3 feet from the street, please notify us so that crews can avoid damaging those systems and/or schedule adjustments of the systems to accommodate the work.

The city is excited to bring these improvements to your neighborhood and will work closely with the contractor to minimize any inconvenience to you.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the project, please feel free to reach out to Keith Grass, Jokerst Paving Project Manager at 314-808-4763, or Public Works Superintendent Terry Jones at 314-968-8157.